国防医学院 医学士
美国明尼苏达大学 皮肤科学硕士
美国Mayo Clinic皮肤专科医师训练叁年
美国New York University Medical Center皮肤病理专科医师训练一年
美国皮肤专科医师文凭American Board-certified dermatologist
美国皮肤病理专科医师文凭American Board-certified dermatopathologist
臺北荣民总医院 皮肤诊断科主任
国防医学院 皮肤科学系副教授 及叁军总医院 皮肤科主治医师
实和联合诊所 副院长兼皮肤科主任
美国皮肤病理杂誌(American Journal of Dermatopathology) 编辑
Publication list (after 2007)(第一或通訊作者)
1. Liu HN*, Chang Y, Chen CC, Yang AH. Facial Apocrine Fibroadenoma in Man: A Rare Finding. Am J Dermatopathol 29:274-278, 2007.
2. Su CY, Liu HN. Histological Analysis of 10 Cases of Cutaneous Sarcoidosis in Taiwan. Dermatol Sinica 26: 228-235, 2008.
3. Chen YF, Chao CM, Liu HN*. Cutaneous plasma cell granuloma: report of a case with novel histologic and immunohistochemical findings. Inter J Dermatol 48, 409–11, 2009.
4. HW Lin, HN Liu. Lipomatous Mixed Tumor of the Skin. Dermatol Sinica 27: 85-92, 2009.
5. Hwang CY, Huang YL, Liu HN*. Digital mucous cysts presenting as numerous translucent nodules in the right fifth finger. J Chinese Med Assoc 74:102-3, 2011.
6. Liu HN*, Liu TY, Chen CC et al. Insights into the mechanism of piper betle leaf-induced contact leukomelanosis using C57BL/6 mice as the animal model and tyrosinase assays. Austra J Dermatol. 52:172-178, 2011.
7. Liu HN*, Wang WJ, Chen CC et al. Senile gluteal dermatosis-a clinicopathologic study of 12 cases and its distinction from anosacral amyloidosis. J Eur Acad Dermatol-Venereol. 26: 258-260, 2012.
8. Liu HN*, Wang WJ, Chen CC et al. Senile gluteal dermatosis: a clinical study of 137 cases. Int J Dermatol. 2013 May 15. [Epub ahead of print].