擅长:儿童疑难病的诊治,包括风湿免疫病特别是不明原因发热和自身炎症性疾病、肾脏病、感染性疾病以及部分遗传性疾病。Diagnosis and treatment of pediatric rare complicated diseases such as rheumatological and immunological diseaseses, fever of unknown origin, autoinflammatory diseases, kidney diseases, infectious diseases and some genetic diseases.
擅长:擅长眼科遗传性疾病的诊治,老年常见眼病的诊治与眼的保健,擅长眼表疾病的诊治,特别对红眼病的早期诊断,重症感染性眼表疾病及并发症的预防、随诊和处置有丰富的临床经验。Diagnosis and treatment of hereditary ophthalmic diseases, common elderly eye diseases and eye health care, ocular surface diseases, especially in early diagnosis of pinkeye, the prevention, follow-up and treatment of severe infectious ocular surface diseases and complications.
擅长:诊断及处理各种高危妊娠、难产及常见的妊娠合并症、并发症;常见遗传性疾病的产前诊断及产前咨询。Diagnosis and management of pregnancy and obstetric complication, high-risk pregnancy and dystocia. Prenatal counselling and diagnosis of common genetic diseases.