擅长:主要擅长眼部整形美容,女性外阴整形美容,各种良恶性皮肤病变切除及修复重建。Upper and lower blepharoplasty, female genital and vaginal plastic surgery, all kinds of benign and malignant skin lesions
擅长:擅长面、颈部常见的重睑、下睑袋切除、隆鼻、隆颏除皱等美容手术;各种外伤或烧伤后所致大瘢痕的整形治疗;耳、鼻、唇部等先天性畸形的矫正;常见的隆乳、巨乳缩小术以及男性乳房肥大畸形的矫正等乳房美容手术;躯干和四肢的美容(如吸脂术),以及男性外生殖器整形与美容。Facial plastic and cosmetic surgies, such as upper and lower blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, chin augmentation and rhytidectomy; comprehensive treatment of scars caused by various trauma or burn; correction of congenital deformities such as ear, nose and lip; breast surgeries, such as breast augmentation, reduction, mammoplasty and gynecomastia; liposuction and male external genitalia plastic surgeries.