
三级甲等 专科医院 公立 纠正
总 院:

, 华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院肿瘤中心位于武汉市江汉区马场路109号,1987年在协和医院本部组建,2002年异址扩建,是集临床、科研、教学、培训于一体的三级甲等医院肿瘤专科医院。


协和医院肿瘤中心作为国家临床重点专科及首批“肿瘤放射治疗”住院医师规范化培训基地,在2019年被中国癌症基金会授予“基层肿瘤中心建设培训项目放疗培训基地”。目前共培养400名硕博士研究生,接受近200进修生和20名留学研究生学习深造。与美国哈佛大学医学院、哈佛大学丹娜法伯癌症中心、M.D.Anderson癌症中心、Fox Chase癌症中心、威斯康星大学医院、西北大学、匹兹堡大学、德国汉堡大学医学院、德国萨尔大学等建立了良好的合作关系。


A brief introduction of the Cancer Center

The Cancer Center,Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (colloquially Wuhan Union Hospital Cancer Center, UHCC), integrating patient care, scientific research and clinical training, is among the largest cancer centers in general hospitals in China.

History and Faculty

The history began in 1987, when Wuhan Union Hospital (a grade-A tertiary hospital) established the Department for Clinical Oncology. The Department of Clinical Oncology was moved to the current location and expanded to a much larger scale, i.e., the Division of Clinical Oncology in 2002. Then in 2005, the cancer center was officially renamed as “Cancer Center, Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology”, i.e., UHCC. The UHCC gained the National Key Discipline by the National Health Commission of China in 2013. Meanwhile, UHCC also took on more responsibility in the aspects of cultivating young talents, and in 2014 it was recognized as a Nationally Standardized Training Program Base for resident radiation oncologists. With decades of rapid development, the scale of the department extended and moved across the town. By the end of September 2020, UHCC had been staffed with 651 medical employees, including 116 certified radiation and medical oncologists, 410 nursing attendants and 105 medical technicians. On the staff are 37 full and associate professors. All members pool their profound experiences and acclaimed expertise in cancer treatment, research and teaching.

Patient Care

UHCC is committed to provide the high-quality and compassionate care for cancer patients. Equipped with 1,016 patient-beds, UHCC consists of the Division of Clinical Oncology and Division of Surgical Oncology. The Division of Clinical Oncology is an academic department specialized on full spectrum of non-surgical cancer services including radiotherapy, chemotherapy, biological targeted therapy and palliative care. It owns 760 patient-beds and is further divided into 7 sub-specialties: Department of Head & Neck Oncology, Department of Breast Oncology, Department of Thoracic Oncology, Department of Abdominal Oncology, Department of Urology & Gynecologic Oncology, Department of Lymphoma, and Department of Bone & Soft-tissue Sarcoma. The Division of Surgical Oncology consists of 4 surgical departments in UHCC, including Department of Thyroid & Breast Surgery, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Department of Abdominal Surgery, and Department of Bone & Soft Tissue Surgery. Besides, the Cancer Pain Clinic and the One-Day-Care Unit to facilitate the cure experience are also established. UHCC leads the concept of patient-centered care, in which patients are cared not only by physicians and nurses, but also cared in areas of physical work, emotional needs, social connection, and self actualization. It opens comforting house to help patients relieve and make social connection; conducts lectures and encourages them to move through their cancer experiences. In UHCC, everything centers around cancer but not merely cancer.

Scientific Research

The physician‒scientists are devoting to the mechanism research to understand the biology of cancers, as well as the translational research to bridge the laboratory and the clinic. In a period from 2008-2020, approximate 400 of our research findings have been published in SCI-indexed journals, such as Lancet Oncology, Science Advances, Nature Communications, Hepatology, ACS Nano, Cancer Research, Clinical Cancer Research and PNAS. Since 2008, more than 100 vertical scientific research projects have been funded and the center has been supported by the national "985 Project". In total, more than 80 million RMB in research funds have been approved, including the National Key Technology Research (1 item), the Development Program of China during the “10th Five-Year Plan” (1 item), the “863 Program” (collaboration /1 item), the State's Key Project of Research and Development Plan (7 items), National Science Foundation for Excellent Young Scholars (1 item), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (91 items). UHCC has pioneered many clinical trials over the years. It has forged a groundbreaking path to conduct tumor molecular target detection since 2007, and provides precise therapies based on genetic profiles of individuals.

Radiation Center

UHCC offers the most advanced radiation service in central China. It introduced intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) in 2003. Now it is equipped with a series of cut-edged radiation facilities, including TOMO, Cyberknife, Varian Halcyon and imaging accessory system. Radiation Center ensures cancer patients the precise and optimized radiotherapy by advanced IGRT, VMAT and SBRT technologies. Prominently, as the only institute who gained the National Photon Therapy License in central China in September 2019, the Proton Center is now under accelerating construction in full swing.

Educational Training

UHCC provides abundant educational programs and opportunities for the young generation. The undergraduates are offered with classroom and online instructions and hands-on clinical experiences. As for postgraduate fellows and residents, tailored clinical training and research programs would enable them to become competent practitioners and lifelong learners with professionalism, humanism and leadership qualities. Oncologists here enjoy continuing medical education with a broad variety of workshops, conferences and programs. Additionally, UHCC keeps close partnerships with excellent cancer institutes in North America and Europe. By maintaining joint programs and combining different novel approaches, views and research, they work together in the commitment to conquer cancer.

科研成果: 2008年以来,中心获批纵向科研项目100余项,包括国家“十五”科技攻关计划、“863”合作课题、国家级重大项目、国家级重大项目子项目、国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目、面上和青年项目91项,并获得国家“卫计委重点专科”、国家“985工程”专项资金支持,总经费逾8千万元。2008-2020期间在New England Journal of Medicine、 Lancet Oncology、Science Advances、Nature Communications、Hepatology、ACS nano、Cancer Research和PNAS等期刊上累计发表论文400余篇。
先进设备: 肿瘤中心人才荟萃,技术力量雄厚。2008年被评为湖北省重点学科,2013年被卫计委评为国家临床重点专科,多名专家在全国及湖北省学术组织中任主委、副会长、副主委等职务。作为湖北省最早开展调强放射治疗和旋转容积调强放疗的单位,拥有包括螺旋断层放射治疗(TOMO)系统、射波刀(Cyberknife)系统、Varian Halcyon直线加速器等高端放疗平台,及大孔径CT模拟定位机等设备。中心放射治疗质量控制体系通过美国放射肿瘤协作组(RTOG)认证,可通过IGRT, VMAT 和SBRT等领先的放疗技术实现精准医疗。2019年,中心成功斩获国家卫健委颁发的华中和华南地区唯一一张医用质子加速器的配置许可证,目前协和质子医学中心建设正在如火如荼地展开,将于2023年投入使用。
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