Wang yupeng, has been in Obstetrics and Gynecology clinical, teaching and research for 30 years, specializes in gynecological inflammatory diseases(such as vaginitis, cervicitis,salpingitis ,appendagitis and pelvic inflammation), gynecological oncology, dysmenorrheal, gynecological endocrine dyscrasia(such as menstrual disorder, metrorrhagia, amenorrhea , hypomenorrhea and climacteric metancholia), as well as postmenstration bleeding, endometriosis,infertility and chronic abdominal pain . She has taken part in the Chinese foreign aid medical teams in hospitals overseas for two years, published over 10 scientific articles.
- 输卵管炎
- 阴道炎
- 绝经
- 肿瘤
- 妇科肿瘤
- 盆腔炎
- 子宫内膜异位症
- 不孕不育
- 更年期综合症
- 附件炎
- 宫颈炎
- 内分泌失调
- 痛经
- 闭经
- 不孕症
- 肿瘤
- 肿瘤
- 月经紊乱