科室成员: 医生15位、主任医师3位
详细介绍:业务指标我科2017年门诊量7812人次;年治疗量28200人次;评估18230人次;电疗171405人次。开展了头颅畸形康复与重塑、不明原因脑瘫基因检测、血友病物理评估与治疗等新项目。科研工作主持国自然面上项目1项、省自然科学基金1项、省科技项目2项;发表SCI 论文2篇、中华医学会系列论文4篇;获得计算机软件著作权1项。在中华医学会儿科学分会2017苏州年会作专题讲座1次,大会发言2次,获得全国康复疑难病例比赛二等奖1项,以及何璐副主任当选中华医学会儿科学分会康复学组青年学组委员。在中国康复医学会2017北京综合年会作专题讲座1次,徐开寿主任当选中国康复医学会物理治疗专委会副主任委员,何璐副主任当选中国康复医学会作业治疗专委会常务委员。教学工作带教广州医科大学研究生1人、广州体育学院研究生3人;承担广州医科大学临床医生系留学生与康复治疗系本科的理论授课、中山大学新华学院脑瘫康复课程的理论与实践授课;带教新疆医科大学第一附属医院、河北省儿童医院等进修生18名,广州医科大学与中山大学新华学院等康复实习生92名。主编人民卫生出版社《康复治疗师临床工作指南》丛书之《儿童疾患物理治疗技术》以及电子工业出版社《居家康复指导》系列丛书之《儿童发育迟缓居家康复指导》,副主编电子工业出版社《作业治疗》系列丛书之《儿童作业治疗》。我科与骨科、保健科等开展脑瘫MDT(multi-disciplinary treatment,多学科综合治疗)。公益活动“座椅银行”良好运行,为72人次提供座椅评估与配置等服务。2017年6月,我科成功主办第二届广东省残疾人康复协会小儿脑瘫康复专业委员会年会暨脑瘫康复治疗技术社区推广学习班;2017年8月,我科与浙江大学附属儿童医院康复科联合策划组织了“第二届浙江儿童神经发育与康复论坛”之“高危儿康复专题”。Service metrics (per year)Outpatient clinics: 7812 visits, 28200 speech & occupational & physio- therapies, 18230 rehabilitation assessments, 171405 electrotherapies。 New projects have been carried out, such as rehabilitation and remodeling of head malformation, genetic detection of children with unknown cause cerebral palsy, physical assessment and treatment of hemophilia。Research Projects and publicationsIn charge of 1 project supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1 project supported by Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province and 2 projects supported by Guangdong Department of Science and Technology。 Seven publications with 2 SCI papers and 4 papers in Chinese Medical Journals。 One computer software copyright。One lecture, two speeches and the second award of National Competition of Intractable Rehabilitation Cases in the 22nd Congress of Chinese Pediatric Society of Chinese Medical Association。 One lecture in the 2017 annual meeting of Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine。 Prof Xu was elected vice chairman of physical therapy committee, Dr He was elected permanent member of occupational therapy committee of Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine。EducationGraduate student education: one from Guangzhou Medical University, three from Guangzhou Sport University。 In charge of the theory and practice courses of cerebral palsy rehabilitation in the Guangzhou Medical University, Xin Hua College of Sun Yat-sen University。Eighteen people in-service training from the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University, Hebei province children's Hospital and so on。 Ninety-two rehabilitation interns from Guangzhou Medical University and Xin Hua College of Sun Yat-sen University。The editor in chief of “Physical Therapy of Children Disease” of People’s Medical Publishing House and “Family Rehabilitation guidance for Children with Development Delay” of Publishing House of Electronic Industry。 Subeditor of “Occupational Therapy of Children” of Publishing House of Electronic Industry。Cerebral palsy MDT (multi-disciplinary treatment) with department of orthopedics and health care department。Social activityThe "Seating Bank" continued providing sitting assessment and configuration services。 Seventy-two children benefit from it。In June 2017, we successfully hosted the 2017 annual meeting of the Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation Committee of Guangdong Disabled Persons’ Federation。 In August 2017, we successfully hosted the “rehabilitation of high-risk infants” section with rehabilitation department of the Affiliated Children's Hospital of Zhejiang University in the “Zhejiang Children’s Neuro-development and Rehabilitation Forum”。