科室成员: 医生14位、主任医师9位
详细介绍:本院心内科技术力量雄厚,现有医生30人,其中博士导师3人,硕士导师22人,正高职称(教授、主任医师)9人,副高职称(副教授、副主任医师)15人,开设心内病区、心监病区、心介入病区、心导管室、体外反搏室、心电生理室、无创检查室及心实验室等部门,除承担日常医疗任务外,还承担包括主持国家九五、十五科学攻关项目等一批国家级及省级科研项目,培养包括博士生、硕士生、本科生、实习生、专科进修医生等教学任务,定期举办心内急症学习班和国家级继续教育学习班等。 本专科设备齐全,拥有国际一流的动态心电图、运动心电图、心电生理检测仪、同位素心血管检测仪,先进的双向X光心导管设备及华南地区首台EnSite 3000 非接触式三维电生理标测系统。 在介入性心脏病学方面,开展了冠状动脉造影、冠状动脉成形术、冠状动脉支架植入术、冠状动脉旋磨术、风湿性心脏病瓣膜扩张术、先天性心脏病PDA、ASD及VSD封闭术、肾动脉扩张及支架植入术。 在心电生理学方面,开展了心内电生理检查术、房室结折返性及房室折返性心动过速、室性心动过速、房性心动过速、心房扑动以及心房纤颤的射频消融术。在起搏器植入方面,开展了VVI、VDD、AAI、DDD、DDDR及抗心房颤动起搏器,还开展了埋藏式心脏除颤起搏器(ICD)及双心室起搏器的植入。 我们开发并拥有独立知识产权的增强型体外反搏治疗冠心病的技术具有良好的效果,已在全球广泛应用。 多年来,本专科积累了丰富的临床实践经验,一向以作风稳健、求实著称。在冠心病、高血压病、风心病、心肌病、心肌炎、心包炎、心内膜炎、心律失常、心功能不全的诊治等方面都紧跟国外前沿发展,并形成了有自己特色的行之有效的工作规程和习惯。此外,在心脏病的临床和基础研究方面作出了显著成绩。 本科全体同仁将以精湛的医术、崇高的医德全心全意为病患者服务。 The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yet-sen University of Medical Sciences Department of Cardiology There are a large number of excellent cardiologists in the department of cardiology, including 3 tutors for doctor degree, 22 tutors for master degree, 9 professors and 15 associate professors. The department of cardiology includes the division of cardiology, cardiac care unit, the division of cardiovascular intervention, cardiac catheterization laboratory, external counterpulsation center, electrophysiology laboratory, non-invasive examination laboratory and cardiovascular laboratory. Besides assuming the daily medical responsibilities, the department takes charge of many national and provincial scientific research programs, including the ninth and the tenth five-year program of national essential scientific-technological research. It also assumes the teaching work for postgraduate (doctor and master degree), undergraduate, interns and fellows, and conducts periodically training program of cardiovascular emergency and national continuing education course. The department possesses a variety of the top level equipment, including ambulatory ECG (Holter), stress electrocardiogram, radionuclide cardiovascular imaging system, advanced two-dimension digital cardiovascular imaging system, and EnSite 3000, the first non-contact intracardiac mapping system in south China. In the area of interventional cardiology, our department has carried out coronary angiography, coronary angioplasty, coronary stenting, coronary rotational atherectomy, percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty, percutaneous closing of PDA, ASD and VSD, and renal artery angioplasty and stenting. In the area of electrophysiology, our department has carried out intracardiac electrophysiologic study, radiofrequency ablation for supraventricular tachyarrhythmia, atrial flutter, ventricular tachyarrhythmia and atrial fibrillation. In the area of pacemaker implantation, our department has carried out VVI, VDD, AAI、DDD, DDDR ,anti-atrial fibrillation pacemaker implantation, and implanted cardiac defibrilator (ICD) and Bi-Ventricular pacing device implantation. The Enhanced External CounterPulsation(EECP) is developed by our department, and we own the intellectual property. EECP is now globally accepted as a treatment protocol for coronary artery disease. The colleagues have abundant experience of clinical practice. Our department closely follows the international frontier in the diagnose and treatment of coronary artery disease, hypertensive disease, hyperlipidemia, rheumatic heart disease, cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, pericarditis, endocarditis, arrhythmia and heart failure. In addition, the department has got striking achievement in clinical and basic study. Our every colleague will serve patients with all our heart and with outstanding medical skills. 主 任:杜志民 副主任:唐安丽 胡承恒 正高人员:廖新学 马虹 陈国伟 胡承恒 高修仁 曾群英 吴素华 陶军 唐安丽 董吁钢 副高人员:冷秀玉 张焰 王礼春