擅长:脊柱、骨盆和四肢骨与软组织肿瘤的诊治、功能重建、保肢手术;脊柱、四肢骨转移癌的微创外科治疗;肿瘤性低磷骨软化症等代谢性骨病的外科手术治疗 Diagnosis and treatment (including function reconstruction and limb salvage surgery) of bone and soft tissue tumors of the spine, pelvis and extremities; Minimally invasive surgical treatment of spinal and limb bone metastases; Surgical treatment of metabolic bone disorders such as tumor-induced osteomalacia.
擅长:掌握常见实体肿瘤如软组织肉瘤、肺癌、消化道肿瘤(胃、结直肠、胰腺、肝胆)等的药物治疗包括化疗、内分泌治疗、分子靶向治疗和免疫治疗等,成功治疗了数十例罕见软组织肿瘤、晚期神经内分泌肿瘤和原发灶未明的转移癌等复杂疑难病例。Mastering medical approaches to various malignant solid tumors, including chemotherapy, endocrine therapy, molecular targeted therapy and immunotherapy. The main field of research includes the comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of soft tissue sarcoma, lung cancer, digestive tract (stomach, colorectal, pancreas, hepatobiliary) cancers and so on.