
陈蕾 副主任医师硕士生导师
点赞数:361 纠正

医生擅长: 烧伤后瘢痕防治与组织工程皮肤构建。

医生简介: 医疗特长:烧伤;慢性难愈性创面修复;瘢痕防治;烧伤康复治疗。研究方向:智能软组织生物材料研发;增生性瘢痕/组织纤维化机制主要教育和工作经历:1.2017/01-至今, 中山大学附属第一医院,烧伤外科副主任医师2.2016/06至今,广东省医学会烧伤分会第四界委员会青年委员会,副主任委员3.2015/11至今,中华医学会烧伤外科学分会第九届委员会创面修复与组织工程学组,委员4.2014/12至今,广东省医学会烧伤学分会第四届委员会,秘书5.2012/07-2016/12,中山大学附属第一医院,烧伤外科主治医师6.2007/09-2012/06,中山大学附属第一医院,外科学,博士7.2010/09-2012/04,美国杜克大学医学中心,国家公派联合培养博士生8.2002/09-2007/06,中南大学湘雅医学院,临床医学,学士社会兼职:广东省医学会烧伤分会第四界委员会秘书、青年委员会副主任委员中华医学会烧伤外科学分会第九届委员会创面修复与组织工程学组委员论著(代表):1. Lei Chen#, Qi Xing#, Qiyi Zhai, Mitch Tahtinen, Fei Zhou, Lili Chen, Yingbin Xu, Shaohai Qi*, Feng Zhao*. Pre-vascularization enhances therapeutic effects of human mesenchymal stem cell sheets in full thickness skin wound repair. Theranostics. 2017; 7:117-131. 2. Mohamed M Ibrahim#, Lei Chen#, Jennifer E Bond, Manuel A Medina, Licheng Ren, George Kokosis, Angelica M Selim, Howard Levinson*, Myofibroblasts contribute to but are not necessary for wound contraction,Laboratory Investigation,2015, 95(12): 1429-1438.3. Jingling Zhao #, Lei Chen #, Bin Shu, Jinming Tang, Lijun Zhang, Junlin Xie, Xusheng Liu, Yingbin Xu*, Shaohai Qi*, Angiopoietin-1 Protects the Endothelial Cells Against Advanced Glycation End Product Injury by Strengthening Cell Junctions and Inhibiting Cell Apoptosis, Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2015, 230 (8): 1895-1905.4. Jingling Zhao#, Lei Chen#, Bin Shu, Jinming Tang, Lijun Zhang, Julin Xie, Xusheng Liu, Yingbin Xu*, Shaohai Qi*, Granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor attenuates endothelial hyperpermeability after thermal injury, American Journal of Translational Research, 2015, 7(3): 474-488.5. Lei Chen #, Yingbin Xu #, Jingling Zhao, Zhaoqiang Zhang, Ronghua Yang, Julin Xie, Xusheng Liu, Shaohai Qi*, Conditioned medium from hypoxic bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells enhances wound healing in mice, PLoS One. 2014, 29; 9(4): e96161.6. Lei Chen*, Yinwen Huang, Wei Cao, Jingling Zhao, Lijun Zhang, Yingbin Xu, Shaohai Qi*,Regulatorg effcts of high mobility group box 1 on cultured hypertrophic scar fibroblasts, Chinese Journal of Injury Repair and Wound Healing, 2014, 9(1): 17-21. (Article in Chinese)7. Xiaoxia Xie #, Lei Chen#, ZhaoQiang Zhang, Yan Shi, Julin Xie*, Clinical study on the treatment of chronic wound with negatively-charged aerosol, International Journal of Clinical and Experimental, 2013, 6(8): 649-654. 8. Lei Chen, Bin Yang, Dan Chen, Zhaoqiang Zhang, Qingbin Zhang*, Clinical Investigation of Esthetic Incisions on Treating Fracture of Zygomatic Complex, Journal of Oral Science Research, 2012, 28(6): 560-562. (Article in Chinese)9. Lei Chen, Lijun Zhang, Bin Shu, Shaohai Qi*, Establish of a novel mice excisional wound model using sustained drug delivery system, Chinese Journal of Injury Repair and Wound Healing, 2012, 7(1): 38-41. (Article in Chinese)其他主要工作成绩(比如获奖情况):2012年中山大学附属第一医院青年教师授课大赛(全英组)一等奖2012年中山大学医学本科教学中青年教师授课大赛(全英组)二等奖2012年中山大学青年教师授课大赛二等奖第六届全国高等医学院校大学生临床技能竞赛“优秀指导老师”

荣誉成就: 分别获2012年中山一院、中山医学院及中山大学青年教师授课大赛(全英组)一等奖一次、二等奖两次。

论文发表: 发表SCI收录论著11篇,中华系列杂志论文9篇。
