医生擅长: 中西医结合治疗妇科炎症、月经失调、宫颈糜烂、妊娠病、产后病、更年期综合症、乳腺疾病 医生简介: 杨敏,女,副主任医师,医学本科毕业,从事妇产科工作20年。擅长中西医结合治疗妇科炎症、月经失调、宫颈糜烂、妊娠病、产后病、更年期综合症、乳腺疾病;在人工流产、药物流产及输卵管统液术方面积累了丰富的经验。
She is a very kind of doctor, medicine very high, I went to the hospital, no one to look directly into her office.
评价医生: 杨敏 2008-11-19
she is a very good doctor.I believe her.
评价医生: 杨敏 2008-11-18
评价医生: 杨敏 2008-03-12
39健康网 合作 导航
She is a very kind of doctor, medicine very high, I went to the hospital, no one to look directly into her office.
评价医生: 杨敏 2008-11-19
she is a very good doctor.I believe her.
评价医生: 杨敏 2008-11-18
评价医生: 杨敏 2008-03-12