科室成员: 医生1位
听力语言科创建于1988年,是我国从事各种听力言语治疗康复和研究最早的专业科室,在国内处于领先地位,是首都医科大学重点学科。科室目前包括听力语言障碍治疗中心、吞咽障碍治疗中心以及耳鼻咽喉科门诊,拥有多种先进的进口检测治疗仪器,包括语言频谱分析仪、电子鼻咽喉镜系统、各种听力检测设备、喉发声检测仪、助听器测试装置、鼻流量测试仪、听觉统合治疗设备、计算机辅助下语言障碍诊疗仪、计算机语音工作站、吞咽障碍治疗仪以及各种言语成套测验等。科内现有职工19人,其中高级、副高级职称3人,硕士研究生3人,博士在读1人,硕士在读1人。科室日接诊200多人次,年诊疗患者数5万余人次。自1990年开始举办全国言语听力康复培训班,每年一期至今已经举办二十六届,来自全国各地的学员1500余人。每年来自各省市进修学习人员40-60余人,目前已有 1100余人来我科进修学习,都已成为全国各医院和康复机构的骨干。听力语言科已成功举办国际言语治疗学术大会五届,每年与美国、日本等国家有着密切的学术交流并举办多次专业的学术沙龙和研讨会议,是目前国内规模最大,最专业的语言康复治疗专业科室。
The hearing and language rehabilitation department is the earliest professional unit engaging in speech therapy, studying with various kinds of language disorders and hearing loss in our country. We have many kinds of advanced, imported instruments, such as various kinds of the audiometers, the phono-laryngograph, the hearing aid test device, the nose flow tester, the digital auditory aerobics, the diagnosis and training instrument of language disorder with the computer assistant, the electricity stimulates instrument to the swallow disorder, and the various kinds of measure scales in speech test. There are 13 people in the department now, advanced among them, four professional title is professorship or associate professorship, four have the Master degree, the head of the department, Professor Li ShengLi is the very famous expert in language and hearing disorder rehabilitation who was engaged in this fields in the earlier year, and he is the Master degree candidate's tutor. We can directly evaluate and diagnosis all kinds of language-speech disorders such as the aphasia, the dysarthria, the swallow disorder, the children's language development delay, the language disorder of dysaudia, stuttering, cerebral palsy, the autism children, and offer the most professional treatment to them. We have hold 17 times of nationwide speech-hearing disorder rehabilitation training class already, four times of the speech disorder seminars and undertaked the first Chinese speech therapy international conference with U.S.A. Minnesota University together in 2007. We are in charge of the training and teaching task to the speech therapists and physiatricians from all parts of the country, and have the teaching and research room of the rehabilitation medicine college in Capital Medical University. We have united the professional organization of the developed country and established the international cooperation centre of the hearing and speech rehabilitation in 2000, united relevant disciplines of the BoAi hospital and established the rehabilitation center of swallow disorder in 2003, participated in establishing the rehabilitation center of the autism in 2007. Speech-language disorder is very complicated. But if patients can get regular treatment as soon as possible, they will be obviously improved; some can also be totally rehabilitated. Please let the patients who have the varies of speech-language disorder come and accept the diagnosis and therapy as soon as possible, in order to achieve the goal of returning to the family and the society.