擅长:共同决策,痛苦症状的控制,如疼痛,厌食,乏力,恶心,便秘,失眠,焦虑,抑郁,恐惧,绝望等(各种疾病所致)。恶性肿瘤的诊断,恶性肿瘤治疗原则及与患者本人和家人进行共同决策,老年人恶性肿瘤治疗前评估,与重病、末期(肿瘤及非肿瘤)患者沟通,了解患者本人意愿,协助平安度过最后时光,老年人多病共存、复杂情况的评估和决策,衰弱、反复跌倒、用药过多,营养不良,药物调整维持老年人功能和生活质量,重病、末期家属的支持(纠结感,遗憾...)Shared decision making, control of symptoms, such as pain, anorexia, fatigue, nausea, constipation, insomnia, anxiety, depression, fear, despair, etc. (caused by various diseases). Diagnosis of malignant tumor, principle of malignant tumor treatment and Shared decision-making with patients and their families, assessment of elderly patients before treatment of malignant tumors, communication with patients with severe illness and terminal stage (cancer and non-cancer), exploring the wishes of the patients, helping them spend the last jouney of life peacefully, assessment and decision-making on the coexistence of multiple diseases and complex situations of the elderly, weakness, repeated falls and excessive medication, malnutrition, drug adjustment, maintaining the function and quality of life of the elderly, support family members and caregiver of patients with severe illness and those in their terminal stage of life with their feelings of entanglement, regret etc.