擅长:擅长糖尿病及其慢性并发症、内科疑难杂病、妇科病、睡眠障碍、不孕不育、肿瘤术后及放化疗期间治疗。TCM treatment for diabetes and its chronic complications, gynecological diseases, sleep disorders, infertility, tumor after surgery or during radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and other internal medical diseases.
擅长:动脉硬化狭窄闭塞症、糖尿病足、急性动脉栓塞、颅外动脉狭窄、动脉瘤、静脉疾病,以及各种复杂透析用动静脉造瘘Endovascular and surgical treatment of chronic or acute lower extremity ischemia, diabetic foot, acute arterial embolism, Endovascular and surgical treatment of extracranial artery stenosis, aneurysms, endovascular and surgical treatment of various complex arteriovenous fistulas for dialysis