擅长:擅长小儿呼吸系统疾病诊治(如哮喘、慢性咳嗽、过敏性疾病、早产儿慢性肺疾病)及新生儿疾病、早产儿营养及系统管理。1. Diagnosis and treatment of pediatric respiratory diseases such as asthma, chronic cough, allergic diseases, chronic lung diseases of premature infants. 2. Neonatal diseases, nutritional and systematic management of premature infants.
擅长:矮小儿童专科门诊、垂体侏儒症、新生儿行为测查及其应用、o—3岁早期教育和窒息儿、早产儿早期干预、脑瘫、新生儿行为神经测查、小儿发育和早期教育、小儿甲状腺疾病、垂体侏儒及其他原因引起的儿童矮小症、小儿癫痫、脑瘫、20项新生儿行为测定法(简称NBNA)、婴儿科学健身法、早期干预促进早产儿智力发育、新生儿神经行为测定Children of short stature, pituitary dwarfism, newborn behavior testing and its application, neonatal behavioral neurological assessment(NBNA). Early education for 0-3 years old and asphyxiated children. Early intervention for premature infants, cerebral palsy, pediatric thyroid diseases, and pediatric epilepsy.
擅长:擅长早产儿营养、发育评价和早期干预指导,婴幼儿营养、生长发育和心理卫生,新生儿疾病,普通儿内科疾病。1. Premature infant nutrition support, development evaluation and early intervention. 2. Infant nutrition support, growth and development and mental health. 3. Neonatal diseases and general pediatric medical diseases.
擅长:围产保健,产科合并症及并发症的处理、产前诊断技术(羊水穿刺、绒毛活检等)Perinatal healthcare, management of pregnancy and obstetric complication, genetic counselling technique (such as amniocentesis, and chorionic villus sampling).