擅长: 一、面部美容相关性皮肤病及面部年轻化的微整性治疗1、面部年轻化的非手术的微整形治疗肉毒素减轻眉间纹、眼角纹、额纹、矫正咬肌肥大(瘦脸)、腋下及手足多汗症等;透明质酸填充面部组织缺损及矫正治疗法令纹、木偶线、苹果肌、眼睑下陷等部位的矫正治疗;2面部美容相关性皮肤病青春期痤疮、头面部脂溢性皮炎、湿疹、面部色素沉着及色素脱失性皮肤病;3、面部美容相关的护肤指导、咨询;4、面部色素问题(太田痣、黄褐斑、雀斑、老年斑等)的激光及其联合治疗; 二、自身免疫及感染性皮肤病,如局限及系统性硬皮病、细菌及真菌感染性皮肤病、甲病;常见的自身免疫性疾病,如银屑病、湿疹、白癜风等;Cosmetic dermatology(1) facial rejuvenation by using non-surgical procedures like botox injection and filler injection; (2) cosmetic-related skin diseases such as acne, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, facial pigmentation and depigmentation; (3) consultation on skin care; (4) laser treatment and combined treatment of pigmented diseases such as nevus of Ota, melasma, freckles, seborrheic keratosis, etc. Autoimmune and infectious skin diseases such as scleroderma, psoriasis, vitiligo, skin/nail bacterial and fugal infection, eczema etc.
擅长:湿疣,疱疹,湿疹皮炎,荨麻疹,硬皮病,银屑病等各种常见和疑难皮肤性病。Specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of common and rare dermatoses like condyloma, herpes, eczema dermatitis, urticaria, psoriasis, ect.
擅长:中西医结合治疗寻常型银屑病、变态反应性皮肤病、红斑狼疮、反复感染性皮肤病、血管炎等皮肤病。Combined treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine for common psoriasis, allergic skin diseases, lupus erythematosus, recurrent infectious skin diseases, vasculitis, and other dermal diseases.