擅长:熟练掌握冠状动脉介入治疗手术,其中包括左主干病变、分叉病变、慢性闭塞病变、多支血管病变等复杂病变的介入治疗,并对冠心病合并慢性肾衰、心衰、呼衰等危重病例的诊治有一定经验。Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), including the interventional management of complicated cases, such as left main coronary artery disease (LMCAD), bifurcation lesions, chronic occlusion of coronary artery and multivessel disease (MVD). Specializing in the management of coronary artery disease patients with multiorgan complications, including chronic renal failure, heart failure or respiratory failure.
擅长:侧重于心律失常(包括房颤、心动过速、心动过缓等)的诊断与治疗,对心力衰竭的同步化治疗亦有研究。Diagnosis and treatment of arrythmia (atrial fibrillation, tachycardia, bradycardia, etc.), and cardiac resynchronization therapy for congestive heart failure