擅长:长期从事神经肌肉病的临床和电生理诊断,包括重症肌无力,肌无力综合征,周围神经病,运动神经元病等Long-term devotion to clinical and electrophysiological diagnosis of neuromuscular diseases, including myasthenia gravis, myasthenia syndrome, peripheral neuropathy, motor neuron disease, etc.
擅长:运动障碍病(帕金森症,肌张力障碍,震颤,抽动等)的诊断和治疗,对肉毒毒素在神经科的治疗应用经验丰富Diagnosis and treatment of movement disorders (Parkinson's disease, dystonia, tremor, tics, etc.), having rich experience in the application of botulinum toxin in neurology practice.
擅长:应用神经病理、肌病病理和周围神经病理诊断和治疗神经系统疾病。Diagnostic and therapeutic care of neurological diseases through neuropathology including brain, muscle and peripheral nerve pathology.