擅长:擅长骨关节炎、类风湿关节炎、强直性脊柱炎、血友病性关节炎、骨骼畸形及股骨头坏死的诊治和各种关节置换术。Specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, hemophilia arthritis, bone deformity and necrosis of the femoral head and various joint replacement.
擅长:淋巴水肿、帕金森病、血友病、关节病、颈腰痛、骨质疏松症、软组织损伤或感染、带状疱疹等疾病的物理治疗与康复。秉承以人为本的服务理念,注重对患者的人文关怀和健康宣教。Specializing in physical therapy and rehabilitation of lymphedema,Parkinson’s disease,hemophilia,arthropathy,neck pain, low back pain, osteoporosis,soft tissue damage or infection, herpes zoster, etc. Emphasizing on the humanistic care and health instruction to the patient, while adhering to people-oriented service concept.