擅长:各种常见整形美容手术。乳房缩小术、隆乳术、乳房修复类手术、乳房再造术、鼻再造手术,面部提拉、除皱、吸脂、自体脂肪注射等。Breast reduction, breast augmentation, breast reconstruction, nose reconstruction, face lifting, facial rejuvenation, liposuction, autologous fat transplantation, etc.
擅长:对妇科常见病、疑难重症、急诊病人的诊断和治疗有较丰富的临床经验,善长妇科妇式、阴式、腹腔镜等各类手术。Experienced in the diagnosis and treatment in the field of general gynecology, especially critical or rare cases, and skilled in abdominal, transvaginal and laparoscopic operations
擅长:妇科常见病及妇科良恶性肿瘤的诊治,包括子宫内膜不典型增生、子宫内膜癌、宫颈癌、盆腔包块、卵巢癌等。Diagnosis and treatment of common gynecological diseases and benign and malignant gynecological tumors, including endometrial dysplasia, endometrial cancer, cervical lesions, pelvic mass, ovarian cancer, etc.