擅长:儿童疑难病的诊治,包括风湿免疫病特别是不明原因发热和自身炎症性疾病、肾脏病、感染性疾病以及部分遗传性疾病。Diagnosis and treatment of pediatric rare complicated diseases such as rheumatological and immunological diseaseses, fever of unknown origin, autoinflammatory diseases, kidney diseases, infectious diseases and some genetic diseases.
擅长:擅长小儿内科疾病,特别是肾脏病,风湿免疫病和糖原贮积症、肝豆状核变性、肾小管酸中毒、低磷抗D佝偻病等遗传代谢病。Pediatric internal medicine, especially in kidney diseases, rheumatic disorders and genetic diseases such as glycogen storage disease, Wilson's disease, renal tubular acidosis, hypophosphatemia rickets and other genetic metabolic diseases.
擅长:擅长小儿内科疾病诊治,特别是小儿原发和继发性肾脏病及儿童风湿免疫性疾病的诊治。Pediatric internal medicine, especially in primary and secondary kidney diseases, and pediatric rheumatic diseases.