擅长:牙龈出血、肿胀等牙龈疾病的诊治。牙齿松动,疼痛等各种局部及全身因素引起的疑难复杂及重度牙周炎的系统化、规范化诊治。Diagnosis and treatment of gingivitis such as gingival bleeding and swelling; systematic diagnosis and standard treatment of complex severe periodontitis caused by local and systematic factors such as tooth mobility and occlusal pain
擅长:擅长牙科恐惧症的治疗,各种口腔镇静镇痛和舒适化治疗技术,成人及儿童全麻下口腔治疗,孕产妇口腔治疗,孤独症、精神肢体残障病人口腔治疗。Dental treatment for adults and children with dental phobia; painlesscomfortable dental treatment; dental treatment for autistic children, pregnant women, pharyngeal sensitive patients or cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease patients.