擅长:擅长各种肾脏病疑难重症诊治,原发、继发性肾脏疾病,急慢性肾功能衰竭,肾小管间质疾病,肾血管疾病等。Specializign in the diagnosis and treatment of complicated kidney diseases, including primary and secondary kidney diseases, acute kidney injury, chronic renal failure, tubulointerstitial diseases and renal vasculare diseases.
擅长:原发、继发性肾小球疾病、疑难罕见肾小管间质病;高血压、高尿酸、水盐代谢紊乱及慢性肾功能不全一体化治疗。Treatment of tubulointerstitial disease, renal injuries secondary to hypertension and hyperuricemia, primary and secondary glomerulonephritis. Also specializing in conservative treatment of renal dysfunction and peritoneal dialysis of end-stage renal diseases.