擅长:全面掌握普外科的常规手术,擅长甲状腺和胃肠疾病,尤其是甲状腺疾病的外科诊治。Having mastered the regular operations of general surgery comprehensively. Specializing in thyroid and gastrointestinal diseases, espetially the surgical treatments of thyroid diseases.
擅长:基本外科疾病(如胃肠外科、门脉高压、甲状腺等)诊疗。肠道功能障碍的综合治疗。复杂脏器功能障碍时的肠外肠内营养补充、支持、治疗。Diagnosis and treatment of general surgical disease (such as gastrointestinal surgicay, portal hypertension, thyroid disease, etc.). Comprehensive treatment of intestinal dysfunction and parenteral enteral nutrition therapy for complex organ dysfunction.
擅长:腹部外科、主要是肝、胆疾病的诊断和外科治疗,同时对外科疑难和重症疾病的治疗、临床营养支持有较深的研究。Diagnosis and treatment of abdominal surgery, mainly hepatobiliary diseases. Specializing in surgical treatment of difficult and severe diseases, as well as clinical nutritional support.