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医生简介: 医疗/科研特长:长期从事慢性免疫病研究,在艾默里大学和斯坦福大学工作期间,发现了自身免疫病病人免疫细胞中ATM蛋白主导的DNA 损伤修复通路的缺陷可导致免疫细胞修复功能的缺失,免疫系统长期处于增殖压力下,最终导致免疫衰老和自身免疫识别的异常。此发现从一定程度改变了传统上人们对自身免疫病的认识。在美国耶鲁大学医学院工作期间,深入研究了表观遗传修饰酶--SUMO特异性蛋白酶(SENP1), 并首次证明了NEMO的SUMO化特异性增强胰岛脂肪细胞炎性细胞介素的分泌,进而导致自发性糖尿病, 从而首次揭示SENP1作为敏感基因在糖尿病发病中的作用。相关结果分别发表在J .Exp Med.,Nature Communication,Nature Review Rheumatology,PNAS,EMBO MM 等国际著名的医学杂志。并被美国临床免疫学会(FOCIS),美国免疫学会(AAI),美国类风湿学会(ACR)邀请作大会报告。此外还拥有斯坦福大学技术许可证明1项,美国专利1项及国内专利2项。研究方向:临床免疫学及肿瘤免疫主要教育和工作经历:沈阳药科大学 药学 学士沈阳药科大学 药理 硕士中科院研究生院 细胞生物学 博士2002.8-2007.3 中科院动物所 助理研究员2006.4-2009.12 艾默里大学(Emory) 博士后2009.12-2011.6 斯坦福大学(Stanford) 博士后2011.4-2012.4 斯坦福大学(Stanford) 研究助理2012.8-2016.3 耶鲁大学(Yale) 副研究员2016.4-至今 中山大学研究员社会兼职:论著:ShaoL * DNA damage response signals transducestress from rheumatoid arthritis risk factors into T cell dysfunction. Frontiersin immunology. Frontiers in immunology. 2018, December, Vol: 9:3055张雪玲,李武国,周仲洋,郑漫妮, 邵兰*. T 细胞代谢异常对类风湿关节炎发生发展影响。中华风湿病学杂志.2018, 22(11), 114-116.1ShaoL, Feng BY, Zhou HJ, Ji WD, Wang Min* The role of adipose derivedinflammatory cytokines in type 1 diabetes (2016). Adipocyte 17 Mar 2016:1-5.邵兰,冯博雅, 张钰莹, 周焕娇,纪卫东,王敏(2016).脂肪组织与Ⅰ型糖尿病。千人生物 2016, 3(1), 1-6。ShaoL, Zhou HJ, Zhang HF, Wang Min(2015). SENP1-mediated NEMO deSUMOyationin the adipocyte limits inflammatory responses and type 1 diabetes progression.Nat. Commun. 2015, Nov 24. (IF: 11.47)ShaoL, Goronzy JJ, Weyand CM (2010).Inhibition of the DNA repair enzyme DNA-PKcs restores T cell survival inrheumatoid arthritis. EMBO Molecular Medicine. 20102 (10):415-27. (IF: 8.89)Goronzy JJ, Shao L, Weyand CM (2010). New insightsinto Rheumatoid Arthritis. Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America. 2010 36(2). 297-310.(IF: 3.02)ShaoL, Fujii H, Goronzy JJ, Weyand CM (2009).Deficiency of the DNA repair enzyme ATM in Rheumatoid Arthritis. J.Exp.Med.2009 Jun; 8; 206(6): 1435-49.(IF: 13.9)Weyand CM,Fujii H, Shao L, Goronzy JJ (2009). Rejuvenating the immune system inrheumatoid arthritis. Nat Rev Rheumatol. 2009 5, 583-588.(IF: 10.51)Fujii H, Shao L, Goronzy JJ, Weyand CM (2009). Telomerase insufficiency inrheumatoid arthritis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.2009 Mar 17; 106(11): 4360-5. (IF: 9.81)ShaoL, Li QH, Wang J, Tan Z (2005).Fragmentation and rapid shortening of telomere in HeLa cells in the early phaseof hydroxyl radical-induced apoptosis. Cancer Biol Ther. 2005; 4(3):336-41.(IF:3.63)ShaoL, Li QH, Tan Z (2004). L-carnosine reduces telomere damage and shortening ratein cultured normal fibroblasts. BiochemBiophys Res Commun. 2004, 324(2): 931-936.(IF: 2.4)Yang F, YangJP, Li QH, Shao L (2003). Strandbreaks in telomeres in Hela cells. Acta Zoology Sinica. 2003, 49 (6): 873-877.ShaoL, Huang Q, Li QH (2003). Regulationeffect of insulin on metabolic dysfunction of diabetic rats. Chinese Journal ofZoology. 2003, 38(2): 23-27.ShaoL, Li QH, Huang Q (2002). Effect ofinsulin on oxidative damage in liver of diabetic rats. Chinese Journal ofZoology. 2002, 37(5): 28-31.Jiao XM, LiQH, Xu M, Li LJ, Shao L (2002).Fusion of Ehrlich′s ascites cell plasma membrane with liposomes driven bytransmembrane pronton efflux: effect of calcium ions and liposome phospholipidcomposition. Acta Zoologica Sinica. 2002, 48 (5): 660-666.Huang Q, Shao L, Jiang H (2001). Effect ofinsulin on oxygen free radicals and oxidative phosphorylation in livermitochondrial of diabetic rats. Acta. Pharmacol. Sina. 2001, 22(5): 455-458.(IF:2.496)ShaoL, Yu QH, Huang Q (2001). The effect ofHouttuyninum on cellular immunological function in splenectomy animals. ChinesePharmacological Bullitin.2001, 17(1): 51-54. ShaoL,Yu QH (2000). The effect of Houttuyninum on immunological function in micetreated with cyclophosphamide. Journal of Shenyang Pharmacoeuticel University.2000, 17(2): 133-135.ShaoL,Yu QH (1999). The effect of Houttuyninum on immunological function in splenectomyanimals. Journal of Shenyang Pharmacoeuticel University. 1999, 16(3): 209-211.ShaoL,Yu QH (1998). TheImproving Effect of Decoction of Coptis and Its Extract on Intelligence. Journalof Shenyang Pharmacoeuticel University. 1998, 15 (1): 35~37.Ye FG, Yu QH, Shao L (1998). Antioxidant Activity of Calculus Boris for Lipid. China Journal of TraditionalChinese Medicine and Pharmacy. 1998, 13 (2): 69.Yu QH, ZhangYF, Shao L (1997). The role ofImmune regulation of Chinese Medicine. Medical Journal of Liaoning. 1997,11(6): 299-301.专利Weyand CM, Goronzy JJ, ShaoL. Improving Immune System Function inconditions characterized by elevated double strand breaks (U.S. PatentApplication Serial No. 13/205,001, issued data 12/6/2016).Zhao Y, Xie W, Shao L. A tetramer combined with SARSAntigen Peptide, its preparation and use (No. 200310113727).其他主要工作成绩(比如获奖情况):中山大学优秀共产党员2018中山大学附属第一医院2015高影响因子奖 美国免疫学年会大会奖(AAI 2010)美国临床免疫学年会大会奖 (FOCIS 2009)广州市中山二路58号4号楼7楼 510080

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