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医生简介: 医疗/科研特长:中山大学附属第一医院研究员、博导。博士毕业于中山大学;曾在哈佛医学院波士顿儿童医院任讲师及进行博士后研究。2017年通过中山大学“百人”计划引进到中山大学附属第一医院。长期从事心血管疾病的病理学及病例生理学研究并主要致力于利用基因敲除以及转基因小鼠模型研究心血管疾病的发病机理并探索新的心血管疾病治疗方法的理论基础。支持国家自然科学基金项目1项、广东省科技计划项目1项、美国心脏协会(AHA)项目2项。在Circulation Research、JCI、Circulation等心血管顶级杂志中发表论文二十余篇,其中包括4篇ESI高被引用论文,发表论文被引用超过1400次。其研究首次鉴定了一个新的心脏疾病的调控因子,CIP,并阐明了其作用的分子机制,其研究成果对揭示心脏疾病的发病机制及防治方法具有重要意义。黄展鹏研究员曾获得美国国立卫生研究院的Ruth L. Kirschstein国家研究奖及美国心脏协会心血管基础科学大会的New Investigator award.研究方向:1, 心脏疾病发病机理及防治的研究(1)研究新的调控因子CIP在心脏病变中的分子调控机制和转化应用;(2)鉴定与研究心脏病变中重要的靶标长链非编码RNA及其对疾病的调控功能;(3)研究microRNA在心脏病变中对心肌细胞生长、凋亡及代谢的调控作用。2, 先天性心血管疾病发病机理及预警的研究(1)研究microRNA对先天性心血管疾病发病的调控;(2)探讨人类先天性心血管疾病与microRNA基因突变的相关性及临床转化;主要教育和工作经历:2017/11-至今,中山大学附属第一医院,转化医学研究中心,研究员2018/11-至今,国家卫健委辅助循环研究重点实验室,副主任2010/10-2017/11,美国哈佛医学院,波士顿儿童医院,心脏病科,讲师2009/8-2010/10,美国哈佛医学院,波士顿儿童医院,心脏病科,博士后研究助理( 合作导师:Dr. Da-Zhi Wang)2008/2-2009/7,美国北卡罗来纳州大学教皇山分校,卡罗来纳心血管生物学中心, 博士后研究助理(合作导师:Dr. Da-Zhi Wang)社会兼职:论著:HuangZP, Wang DZ. miR-22 in Smooth MuscleCells: A Potential Therapy for Cardiovascular Disease. Circulation. 2018 Apr24;137(17):1842-1845. doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.118.033042. Circulation (2018年SCI影响因子:18.881)ChenD, Zhao Z, Huang Z, Chen DC, Zhu XX, Wang YZ, Yan YW, Tang S, Madhavan S, NiW,Huang ZP, Li W, Ji W, Shen H, Lin S, Jiang YZ. Super enhancerinhibitors suppress MYC driven transcriptional amplification and tumorprogression in osteosarcoma. Bone Res. 2018 Apr 4;6:11. doi:10.1038/s41413-018-0009-8. eCollection 2018. (2018年SCI影响因子:12.354)Huang,Z.P., Kataoka, M., Chen, J., Wu, G., Ding,J., Nie, M., Lin, Z., Liu, J., Hu, X., Ma, L., Zhou, B., Wakimoto, H., Zeng,C., Kyselovic, J., Deng, Z.L., Seidman, C.E., Seidman, J.G., Pu, W.T. and Wang,D.Z. Cardiomyocyte-enriched protein CIP protects against pathophysiologicalstresses and regulates cardiac homeostasis. The Journal of clinicalinvestigation. 2015, 125:4122-4134. (2016年SCI影响因子:12.784)Huang, Z.P.,Seok, H.Y., Zhou, B., Chen, J., Chen, J., Tao, Y., Pu, W.T., and Wang, D.Z.CIP, a cardiac ISL1-interacting protein, represses cardiomyocyte hypertrophy.Circulation Research, 2012, 110: 818-830.(2016年SCI影响因子:13.965)Huang, Z.P.,Chen, J., Seok, H.Y., Zhang, Z., Kataoka, M., Hu, X. and Wang, D.Z. MicroRNA-22Regulates Cardiac Hypertrophy and Remodeling in Response to Stress.CirculationResearch, 2013, 112: 1234-1243. (SCI高引用论文:临床医学领域内被引用次数排名1%以内的论文)(2016年SCI影响因子:13.965)Huang, Z.P.,Ding Y., Kataoka, M., Hu Y.W., dos Remedios C.G., Pu W.T. and Wang D.Z. Longnon-coding RNAs link extracellular matrix gene expression to ischemiccardiomyopathy.Cardiovascular research. 2016, 112: 543-554. (2016年SCI影响因子:5.878)Huang, Z.P.,Chen, J.F., Regan, J.N., Maguire, C.T., Tang, R.H., Dong, X.R., Majesky, M.W.,and Wang, D.Z. Loss of MicroRNAs in Neural Crest Leads to CardiovascularSyndromes Resembling Human Congenital Heart Defects.Arteriosclerosis,thrombosis, and vascular biology, 2010, 30: 2575-2586. (封面论文) (2016年SCI影响因子:6.607)Huang,Z.P.* and Wang, D.Z*. miR-22 in cardiacremodeling and disease. Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine. 2014,24:267-272.(*共同通信作者)(2016年SCI影响因子:4.964)Espinoza-Lewis R.A.,Yang Q., Liu J.,Huang, Z.P., Hu X., Chen D. and Wang D.Z.Poly(C)-binding protein 1 (Pcbp1) regulates skeletal muscle differentiation bymodulating microRNA processing in myoblasts. The Journal of biologicalchemistry. 2017 292: 9540-9550. (2016年SCI影响因子:4.125)Wu,G., Cai, J., Han, Y., Chen, J.,Huang, Z.P., Chen, C., Cai, Y.,Huang, H., Yang, Y., Liu, Y., Xu, Z., He, D., Zhang, X., Hu, X., Pinello, L.,Zhong, D., He, F., Yuan, G.C., Wang, D.Z. and Zeng, C., LincRNA-p21 RegulatesNeointima Formation, Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation, Apoptosis andAtherosclerosis by Enhancing p53 Activity. Circulation. 2014, 130:1452-1465(2016年SCI影响因子:19.309)Seok,H.Y., Chen, J., Kataoka, M.,Huang, Z.P., Ding, J., Yan, J., Hu, X.and Wang, D.Z. Loss of MicroRNA-155 Protects the Heart From PathologicalCardiac Hypertrophy. Circulation Research, 2014, 114: 1585-1595. (2016年SCI影响因子:13.965)Wu,G.,Huang, Z.P.*and Wang, D.Z*. MicroRNAs in cardiacregeneration and cardiovascular disease. Science China Life sciences. 2013, 56:907-913. (*共同通信作者)(2016年SCI影响因子:2.781)Chen,J., Huang, Z.P., Seok, H.Y., Ding,J., Kataoka, M., Zhang, Z., Hu, X., Wang, G., Lin, Z., Wang, S., Pu, W.T.,Liao, R. and Wang, D.Z. mir-17-92 Cluster Is Required for and Sufficient toInduce Cardiomyocyte Proliferation in Postnatal and Adult Hearts. CirculationResearch, 2013, 112: 1557-1566.(2016年SCI影响因子:13.965)Kataoka,M.,Huang, Z.P. and Wang D.Z. Build a braveheart: the missing linc(RNA). Circulation Research, 2013, 112: 1532-1534. (2016年SCI影响因子:13.965)Huang,Z.P. and Wang, D.Z. Response to "HumanGenome Organization-Symbolized Muscle-Enriched A-Type Lamin-Interacting Proteinto Clear Up Confusion". Circulation Research, 2012, 111: E253-E254. (2016年SCI影响因子:13.965)Huang,Z.P., Espinoza-Lewis, R. and Wang, D.Z.Determination of MiRNA Targets in Skeletal Muscle Cells. Methods in MolecularBiology, 2012, 798: 475-490.Tao,Y., Neppl, R.L.,Huang, Z.P., Chen, J., Tang, R.H., Cao, R., ZhangY., Jin, S.W., and Wang, D.Z. Histone methyltransferase Set7/9 plays anessential role in myoblast differentiation and myofibril assembly. The Journalof Cell Biology, 2011, 194: 551-565. (2016年SCI影响因子:7.955)Huang,Z.P., Neppl, R.L. and Wang, D.Z.Application of microRNA in cardiac and skeletal muscle disease gene therapy.Methods in Molecular Biology, 2011, 709: 197-210.Chen,J., Yin, H., Jiang, Y. Radhakrishnan, S.K., Huang, Z.P., Li, J. Shi, Z., Catharina, E.P., Gui, Y., Wang, D.Z.and Zheng, X.L. Induction of MicroRNA-1 by Myocardin in Smooth Muscle CellsInhibits Cell Proliferation. Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascularbiology, 2011, 31: 368-375. (2016年SCI影响因子:6.607)Huang,Z.P., Neppl, R.L. and Wang, D.Z. MicroRNAsin cardiac remodeling and disease. Journal of Cardiovascular TranslationalResearch, 2010, 3: 212-218. (2016年SCI影响因子:2.319)Callis,T.E., Pandya, K., Seok, H.Y., Tang, R.H., Tatsuguchi, M., Huang, Z.P., Chen, J.F., Deng, Z., Gunn, B., Shumate, J., Willis,M.S., Selzman, C.H., and Wang, D.Z. MicroRNA-208a is a regulator of cardiachypertrophy and conduction in mice. The Journal of clinical investigation,2009, 119: 2772-2786. (2016年SCI影响因子:12.784)Chen,C.L., Chen, C.J., Vallon, O.,Huang, Z.P., Zhou, H. and Qu, L.H.Genomewide analysis of box C/D and box H/ACA snoRNAs in Chlamydomonasreinhardtii reveals an extensive organization into intronic gene clusters.Genetics, 2008, 179: 21-30. (2016年SCI影响因子:4.556)Huang,Z.P., Chen, C.J., Zhou, H., Li, B.B. andQu, L.H. A combined computational and experimental analysis of two families ofsnoRNA genes from Caenorhabditis elegans, revealing the expression andevolution pattern of snoRNAs in nematodes. Genomics, 2007, 89: 490-501. (2016年SCI影响因子:2.801)Yang,J.H., Zhang, X.C., Huang, Z.P.,Zhou, H., Huang, M.B., Zhang, S., Chen, Y.Q. and Qu, L.H. snoSeeker: anadvanced computational package for screening of guide and orphan snoRNA genesin the human genome. Nucleic acids research, 2006, 34: 5112-5123. (2016年SCI影响因子:10.162)Huang,Z.P., Zhou, H. and Qu, L.H. Maintaining aconserved methylation in plant and insect U2 snRNA through compensatorymutation by nucleotide insertion. IUBMB Life, 2005, 57: 693-699. (2016年SCI影响因子:3.141)Huang,Z.P., Zhou, H., He, H.L., Chen, C.L.,Liang, D. and Qu, L.H. Genome-wide analyses of two families of snoRNA genesfrom Drosophila melanogaster, demonstrating the extensive utilization ofintrons for coding of snoRNAs. RNA, 2005, 11: 1303-1316. (2016年SCI影响因子:4.605)Huang,Z.P., Zhou, H., Liang, D., and Qu, L.H.Different expression strategy: multiple intronic gene clusters of box H/ACAsnoRNA in Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Molecular Biology, 2004, 341669-683. (2016年SCI影响因子:4.632)Zhuo, M., Zhou, H., Huang,Z.P.,Liang, D., Chen, C.L., Chen, Y.Q. and Qu, L.H. Identification andfunctional analysis of 23 novel box C/D snoRNAs from Oryza sativa. CHINESESCIENCE BULLETIN, 2003, 48: 2077-2082. (2016年SCI影响因子:1.649)专著:其他主要工作成绩(比如获奖情况):??

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