国立台湾大学医学院 医学士 1997.09~2004.06
和信治癌中心医院 身心科 主治医师 2011.07.01~迄今
台大医院云林分院精神部 住院医师 2006.07.01~2010.06.30
台大医院精神部心身医学科 研修医师 2010.07.01~2011.06.30
Chao-Yu Liu, Meg Mei-Chih Tseng, Po-Hsien Lin “Encephalopathy associated with autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto's thyroiditis) presenting as depression: a case report”, General Hospital Psychiatry 33(6): 641 e647-649 (2011)
Pai-Hao Huang, Jen-Jen Su, Po-Hsien Lin. "Iron Deficiency Anemia -A Rare Etiology of Sinus Thrombosis in Adults”, Acta Neurol Taiwan 19(2):125-30 (2010 June)
Po-Hsien Lin, Ming-Been Lee , Chao-Cheng Lin, Hsi-Chung Chen, Shih-Cheng Liao. “Suicide in cancer patient”, E-Poster presentation at the 19th Congress of European Psychiatric Association
Po-Hsien Lin, Tzung-Jeng Hwang. “Neuropsychiatric symptoms in mild cognitive impairment”, poster for the 13th International Congress of IFPE
Po-Hsien Lin , Chao-Cheng Lin , Shih-Cheng Liao. “Unnatural Death of Cancer Patients in Taiwan”, poster for the 20th International conference on Health Promotion Hospitals and Health Services
台湾的酒精性肝病现况(Current Status of Alcoholic Liver Disease in Taiwan):胡瑞庭(Jui-Ting Hu); 杨素卿(Suh-Chin Yang); 黄秀芬(Shiu-Feng Huang); 林志陵(Chih-Lin Lin); 林帛贤(Po-Hsien Lin); 曾锱翎(Tzu-Ling Tseng); 杨贤馨(Sien-Sing Yang): 台湾消化医学杂志28:2 2011.06[民100.06] 页234-241
实用精神医学(第三版) 李明滨主编 第十章/ 器质性精神疾病林帛贤、吴家璇、李信谦合着
乳癌防治基金会季刊「看见真爱」2010夏季号: 忧郁症的诊断与治疗
康泰会讯双月刊中华民国101年五月刊: 癌症病人的失眠
自杀防治网通讯录6卷第2期: 老人的自杀防治