国立阳明大学 医学系 医学士 1992.7.1 ~ 1999.6.30
和信治癌中心医院 外科部 主治医师 2004.08.01~迄今
和信治癌中心医院/台北荣民总医院 外科部 住院医师 1999.08. 01 – 2003.06. 30
和信治癌中心医院/台北荣民总医院 外科部 住院总医师 2003. 07.01 - 2004 .07. 30
Lin CW, huang JS, Yang AH, Chen KK, Luke Chang. Renal Metanephric Adenoma: A Case Report. 中华民国泌尿科医学会学术演讲会, 2000.
Lin CW, Yang PS, Yang CE, Yu BL, Cheng TY, Chen CM. Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Direct Duodenal Invasion : A Case Report. 5th World Congress of The IHPBA, Tokyo, 2002. 2002 Annual meeting of the Taiwan surgical association, Taipei.
Lin CW, Yang PS, Liu CC, Yang CE, Yu BL, Cheng TY, Chen CM. Recurrent Multiple Chest Wall Seeding After Percutaneous Ethanol Injection For Treatment of Recurrent Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Case Report. 5th World Congress of The IHPBA, Tokyo, 2002. 2002 Annual meeting of the Taiwan surgical association, Taipei.
Lin CW, Tsai TJ, Yu BL, Chen CM. Sentinel lymph nodes biopsy in early breast cancer patients: a single institute experience in Taiwan with over 800 consecutive cases. 6th Biennial meeting of the Asian breast cancer society, HongKong, 2007.
Lin CW, Tsai TJ, Yu BL, Chen CM. How many lymph nodes are adequate enough for sentinel lymph nodes biopsy in early breast cancer patients? Use imprint cytology for intra-operative assessment. 2007 Annual meeting of the breast cancer society of Taiwan, Taipei.
Lin CW, Tsai TJ, Yu BL, Chen CM. Sentinel lymph nodes biopsy for breast cnacer patients: Should we use imprint cytology as intra-operative assessment? Or just wait for permanent pathology report? 2008 Annual meeting of Taiwan surgical association, Kaoshoung.