私立台北医学院 医学士 1982.09~1989.06
交流协会 2 级日本语能力认定 2004.12
和信治癌中心医院 一般内科胸腔及加护内科 资深主治医师1997.01~迄今
台北荣民总医院 呼吸治疗科 特约主治医师 1998.01~ 迄今
阳明大学 医学系 临床副教授 2010.08~ 迄今 兼任部定讲师 2012.08~
台北医学大学医事检验暨生物技术学系所 临床生理(肺功能及血液气体分析)授课教师 2008~2012
台北医学大学医事检验暨生物技术学系所 硕士班 口试委员 2010~
台北荣民总医院 呼吸治疗科 住院及总医师 1991.07~1996.12 (台中荣民总医院 胸腔内科 研修医师 1995.07~1995.12)
台湾海军 军医预官 1989.07~1991.05
台大医院 实习医师 1988.07~1989.06
Hsu LH, Wang JH*. Treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning with hyperbaric oxygen. Chin Med J (Taipei) 1996; 58:407-13
Hsu LH*, Lien TC, Wang JH. Chylothorax: a complication of internal jugular vein catheterization. Chin Med J (Taipei) 1997; 60:57-61
Hsu LH*, Wang JH. Management of dyspnea in patients with cancer. Thorac Med (Taiwan) 1997; 12:197-201
Hsu LH*, Mao TL, Shih CS, Chou TY, Huang SN. Well differentiated fetal adenocarcinoma of the lung. J Formos Med Assoc 2000; 99:425-7
Hsu LH*, Lin KJ, Chu NM. Lung cancer screening- time to reexamine its role. J Intern Med Taiwan 2000; 11:177-83
Hsu LH*, Chen JC, Tsai GJS, Tsou MH, Hsu WH. Thymic hyperplasia in a patient with Graves' disease. Chin Med J (Taipei) 2001; 64:115-20
Hsu LH*, Liu CC, Lin CY, Yen KL, Chan KY. Self-expandable metallic tracheobronchial stent insertion and endobronchial electrocautery employing flexible bronchoscopy - preliminary results at a cancer center. J Formos Med Assoc 2002; 101:399-405
Hsu LH*, Tsou MH, You DL, Hsu WH. Primary pulmonary paraganglioma. Chin Med J (Taipei) 2002; 65:446-9
Hsu LH*, Lee WC, Lin CM, Jiang JS. Insertion of self-expandable metallic stent (SEMS) in an adult having anomalous right pulmonary artery with right main bronchus compression. J Bronchol 2003, 10:201-3
Hsu LH*, Ko JS, Liu CC. Education and experience improve the performance of transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA) - a learning curve at a cancer center. Chest 2004; 125:532-40
Hsu LH*, Ko JS, You DL, Chu NM. Transbronchial needle aspiration guided by integrated positron emission tomography and computed tomography - a preliminary report. J Bronchol 2005; 12:76-80
International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) (since 2000)
World Association for Bronchology (WAB)
Jan-Feb 2007 St. Marianna University School of Medicine, Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan (自费研修)
December 7-8 2006 The Management of Pleural Diseases with Lab, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (course directors: Armin Ernst & David Feller-Kopman)
July 2004 Hiroshima City Hospital, Hiroshima, Japan (自费研修)
April 4-6 2001 Therapeutic Bronchoscopy & Medical Thoracoscopy, Saint Marguerite’s Hospital, Marseille, France (course directors: Jean-François Dumon & Philippe Astoul)
July 9-11 1998 Mechanical Ventilation (Symposium and Workshop) Baltimore, Maryland (course director: Neil R. MacIntyre)