擅长:擅长各部位骨干和关节内复杂骨折的手术治疗,包括各种内固定和外固定治疗;高龄髋部骨折的手术治疗和围手术期综合管理。Specializing in the surgical treatment of various complex fractures in diaphysis and joints, including various internal and external fixations; surgical treatment and perioperative management of senile hip fracture.
擅长:创伤骨科、手外科常见病的手术治疗,骨质疏松症、颈肩痛、腰腿痛和关节炎等常见病的诊治Surgical treatment of common diseases in orthopedic traumatology and hand surgery, diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis, neck and shoulder pain, low back and leg pain, as well as arthritis.
评价医生: 杨连锁 2011-04-04
评价医生: 杨连锁 2009-02-01
评价医生: 杨连锁 2008-03-06