1993获硕士学位留任在浙一眼科工作,2007年晋升主任医师,2008年被聘为眼科研究生导师,2009年任眼科教学副主任,主管科内培训及考核。曾先后在上海复旦大学眼耳鼻喉医院和香港理工大学深造,2010年在美国最著名的眼科Bascom Palmer Eye Institute临床研究1年。2014年兼聘为浙江大学光电信息学研究生导师。理论知识全面扎实,临床经验丰富,阅历和眼界开阔,临床思辨清晰,门诊质量高,激光手术以及眼前节手术技术娴熟,多次主持和参加复杂重大眼病的诊断和治疗。
主持和主参10余项国家、省、厅级科研项目,发表论文40余篇(其中在SCI收录15篇,TOP 期刊2篇),获奖2项,主参发明专利3项。论文1.Zhao F, Cai S, Huang Z, Ding P, Du C. Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography in Pinguecula and Pterygium. Cornea. 2019 Aug 13. (IF 2.3)2.Zhang J,Ni Y,Li P,Sun W,Liu M,Guo D,Du C. AnteriorSegmentBiometrywithPhenylephrineandTropicamideduring Accommodation Imaged with Ultralong Scan Depth Optical Coherence Tomography. J Ophthalmol.2019 Feb 25 (IF 1.96)3.赵丰平、杜持新*、蔡思捷。结膜良性增生性疾病的光学相干断层扫描特征。中华眼视光和视觉科杂志,2018,20(9);556-559.4.Huang Z, Du CX(通讯), Pan XD. The use of in-strip digestion for fast proteomic analysis on tear fluid from dry eye patients. PLoS One. 2018 Aug 3;13(8) (IF 2.96)5.Ni Y, Xu B, Wu L, Du C(通讯), Jiang B, Ding Z, Li P Assessment of Full-Eye Response to Osmotic Stress in Mouse Model In Vivo Using Optical Coherence Tomography. J Ophthalmol. 2015;2015:568509.6.Li P, Ding Z, Du C(通讯). Visualization of the ocular pulse in the anterior chamber of the mouse eye in vivo using phase-sensitive optical coherence tomography;J. Biomed. Opt. 2014 Sep;19(9):090502.(IF 2.98)7. Du C, Shen M, Li M, Zhu D, Wang MR, Wang J. Anterior segment biometry during accommodation imaged with ultra-long scan depth optical coherence tomography. Ophthalmology. 2012 Dec;119(12):2479-85(IF 5.536)8.Du C, Wang J, Wang X, Dong Y, Gu Y, Shen Y. Ultrasound biomicroscopy of anterior segment accommodative changes with posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens in high myopia. Ophthalmology. 2012 Jan; 119(1):99-105.(IF 5.536)9.Du C, Wang J, Cui L, Shen M, Yuan Y. Vertical and horizontal corneal epithelial thickness profiles determined by ultra-high resolution optical coherence tomography. Cornea. 2012 Sep;31(9):1036-43. (IF 1.746)10.汪晓宇,沈晔,杜持新(通讯作者),李毓敏、董瑛.有晶状体眼后房型人工晶状体植入术后前房及前房角的超声活体显微镜观察。中华眼科杂志 2009,45(10):908-12。11.DU Chi-xin, SHEN Ye, WANG Yang. Comparison of high order aberration after conventional and customized ablation in myopic LASIK in different eyes of the same patient Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B 2007, 03(8):177-180。12.杜持新,孙雯,顾扬顺。准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术后外伤急诊分析 中华急诊医学 2007.08(16):878-88013.孙雯,夏静丹,杜持新(通讯)硬性透气性角膜接触镜矫正青少年进展性近视的效果观察 浙江医学2007,09(29):903-905。14.Chi-xin Du*, Yabo Yang, Ye Shen et al. Bilateral Comparison of Conventional Versus Topographic-guided Customized Ablation for Myopic LASIK With the NIDEK EC-5000 Journal of Refractive Surgery 2006, 09 (22):642-646 (IF 1.96)15.杜持新,沈晔,黄智敏。准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术后角膜后表面改变的特点极其影响因素。中华眼科杂志 2005,06(41):488-491获奖《高度近视眼底病变的临床研究》2002年获浙江省卫生厅科技创新奖一等奖、2003年获浙江省科技厅科技进步三等奖 (排名第二)
1.Chi-xin Du, Ya-bo Yang,, Ye Shen, Yang Wang, Paul J. Daugherty. Bilateral Comparison of Conventional Versus Topographic-guided Customized Ablation for Myopic LASIK With the NIDEK EC-5000。Journal of Refractive Surgery. 2006.09.22:642-646
2. Yabo Yang, Chixin Du ,Yan Shen, Fang Wu, Fan He, Ke Yao. Preoperative Characteristics of Patients Undergoing LASIK in 1997 versus 2004 at One Surgical Eye-Center in China. Journal of Refractive Surgery.2006.09.22:703-707
3. DU Chi-xin, SHEN Ye, WANG Yang .Comparison of high order aberration after conventional and customized ablation in myopic LASIK in different eyes of the same patient. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B 2007.03.8:177-180
4. SHEN Ye , DU Chi-xin,,GU Yangshun, WANG Jing Posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens implantation for high myopia. Chinese Medical Association. Chinese Medical Journal.2003.10.116:1523-1526
眼科教研室副主任 全国眼科超声医学工程委员会委员, 浙江省眼科超声医学工程委员会副主任委员,现任浙江省超声医学工程委员会常务理事,浙江省激光医学分会常务委员。
评价医生: 杜持新 2008-04-16