
医生擅长: 病毒性肝炎
医生简介: 中共党员、医学博士、教授、博士生导师,享受国务院特殊津贴。首批获浙江省“新世纪151人才第一梯队”和浙江省中青年学术带头人称号。从事传染病学教学、科研和临床工作20余年。
荣誉成就: 近年主持多项国家级和省部级科研项目。发表论文 100 余篇。近年来获浙江省科技进步二等奖 4 项,其他奖项 5 项。 主要论文: 1.Huang Y, Chen Z, Zhou C, Yao H, Li M, Xu C. The modulation of thymosin alpha 1 in the maturation, differentiation and function of murine bone marrow-derived dendritic cells in the absence or presence of tumor necrosis factor-alpha. Int Immunopharmacol. 2004;4(4):539-46. 2.Qin Ni, Zhi Chen, Hangping Yao, et al. Inhibition of human La protein by RNA interference downregulates hepatitis B virus mRNA in 2.2.15 cells. World J Gastroentrerol. 2004, 10(14): 2050-2054 3.Zhang ping, Chen zhi, Chen feng, Li minwei, Fan jun, Zhou huiming, Liu jihong, Huangzhu.Expression of IFN-γ and its receptor alpha in the peripheral blood of patients with chronic hepatitis C. Chinese Medical Journal.2004; 117(1):79-82. 4.Jun-Bin S, Zhi C, Wei-Qin N, Jun F. A quantitative method to detect HBV cccDNA by chimeric primer and real-time polymerase chain reaction. J Virol Methods. 2003 ;112(1-2):45-52. 5.LUO Benyan, CHENZhi, ZHENGYanyan, PANXiaoping, LIXia. Apolipoprotein E genotype in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Chinese Medical Journal 2003, 116(8):1220-1222 6.Chen feng, Cai Weimin, Chen zhi, Chen Xiangming, Liu Ronghua. Dynamic changes in the collagen metabolism of liver fibrosis at the transcription level in rabbits with Schistosomiasis japonica. Chinese Medical Journal, 2002,115(11):1637-1640 7.Chenzhi. In vitro study on ribozyme against hepatitis C virus. Journal of Zhejiang University(SCIENCE). 2001, 2(1):100-103 8.Zhu haihong, Chenzhi, Zhang mingtai, et al. Construction and identification of the recombinant of the AAV Vector and Human Interferon-gamma. Journal of Zhejiang University (SCIENCE) 2001;2(4):445-447 9.ZHU Haihong, CHEN Zhi, LIU Kezhou, et al. Screening of thymosin alpha 1 binding protein by yeast two-hybrid system. Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 2001;16(suppl):A308 10.ZHU Haihong, CHEN Zhi, LIU Kezhou, et al. The effect of thymosin alpha 1 on expression of signal transduction molecules in peripheral blood lymphocytes by gene chip. Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 2001;16(suppl):A309 11.A study of ribozyme against hepatitis C virus in vitro ,CHINESE MED J,2000年2月(SCI) 12.Chenzhi. Hepatitis C Virus-Specific DNA sequences in human DNA: differentiation by means of restriction enzyme analysis at the DNA level in healthy, anti-HCV-negative individuals. Clin Chem Lab Med. 1999,37(6):623-630 13.Chenzhi. Effect of immunization in mice with recombinant DNA encoding the hepatic C virus structural protein. Chin Med J, 1999,112(11):1036-1039 14.Chenzhi. .The GOR47-1 sequence in human DNA encoding for a potential autoantigen in connection with hepatitis C - a sequence not only reserved for humans, Z GASTROENTEROL,1998,36:877-882 15.Cai Weimin, Chenzhi, Chenfeng, et al. Changes of ultrasonography and two serum biochemical indices for hepatic fibrosis in Schistosomiasis japonica patients one year after praziquantel treatment. Chin Med J, 1997,110(10):797-800 16.张萍,陈智,陈峰,李敏伟. 慢性HCV感染者外周血淋巴细胞趋化因子受体CCR6表达及意义.中国感染控制杂志.2003;2(4): 246-248 17.陈智, 乙型肝炎病毒cccDNA研究现状,中华传染病杂志.2003,21(1).-8-10 18.陈智, 张萍, 陈峰, 李敏伟, 周慧明, 刘继洪, 沈毅, 范维薇. 慢性丙型肝炎患者外周血若干免疫指标的评价及意义分析.中华传染病杂志(已录用) 19.朱海红; 陈建忠; 陈智; 刘克洲; 曹红翠; 吴炜. 胸腺肽对人淋巴细胞抗感染相关的信号转导分子的表达. 中华传染病杂志,2003,21(3):221-224
社会任职: 现任浙江大学医学院党委书记、副院长,浙江大学传染病研究所所长,浙江大学医学院分子与细胞实验中心主任,卫生部传染病重点实验室副主任,中华医学会热带病与寄生虫学学会委员,浙江省微生物学会理事长,浙江省医学会感染病学分会副主任委员,浙江省医学会医学病毒学分会副主任委员,浙江省医学会肝病学分会委员。《中华医学杂志》、《中华传染病杂志》、《中华肝脏病杂志》、《肝脏》、《浙江大学学报》等杂志编委。

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