擅长:1、冠心病、高血压、血脂异常、糖尿病、代谢综合征等综合管理与防治,寻求最大程度降低患者的心血管事件发生,提高生活质量。2、严格掌握冠状动脉及周围血管疾病介入性诊断与治疗的指征。3、各种心肌病和各种原因导致的心力衰竭的早期诊断与个性化的合理治疗。4、心血管系统以及全身疾病导致的复杂疑难及危重病例的诊断与治疗。5、罕见病的诊治与多学科团队的遗传检查与咨询。1. Comprehensive management and prevention of coronary heart disease, hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome, to maximize the reduction of cardiovascular events and improvement of the quality of life in patients.2. Strictly follow the indications of interventional diagnosis and treatment of coronary and peripheral vascular diseases.3. Early diagnosis and individualized treatment of heart failure caused by various cardiomyopathy and other causes. 4. Diagnosis and treatment of complex difficult and critical cases caused by cardiovascular and systemic diseases. 5. Diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases and genetic examination and consultation by MDT.
擅长:内科及心内科复杂、危重病例的诊治Diagnosis and treatment of complex and critical cases in internal medicine and cardiology
擅长:冠状动脉和肾动脉介入,冠心病、高血压-高血脂-代谢综合征、心功能不全、心脏康复,大气环境和健康,循证医学。Coronary artery and renal artery intervention, coronary heart disease, metabolic syndrome of hypertension and hyperlipidemia, cadiac insufficiency, cardiac rehabilitation, atmospheric environment and health, and evidence-based medicine.
评价医生: 白桦 2011-04-12
评价医生: 白桦 2011-04-09
评价医生: 白桦 2008-03-02